Algorithm Challenge

7 minute read

Author: Doe Hoon LEE

All the algorithm problems I’ve solved!

아래의 플랫폼들에서 푼 알고리즘 문제들입니다

  1. CodeWars

  2. Programmers

  3. HackerRank

(1) CodeWars


# Title Kyu Date
1 Multiply 8 -
2 The Feast of Many Beasts 8 -
3 Abbreviate a Two Word Name 8 -
4 Return Negative 8 -
5 altERnaTIng cAsE <=> ALTerNAtiNG CaSe 8 -
6 Reversed Words 8 -
7 Convert a string to an array 8 -
8 Convert a String to a Number 8 -
9 Is it even? 8 -
10 Area or Perimeter 8 -
11 5 without numbers !! 8 -
12 Remove String Spaces 8 -
13 Calculate BMI 8 -
14 Reversed Strings 8 -
15 N-th Power 8 -
16 Get Nth Even Number 8 -
17 Even or Odd 8 -
18 Third Angle of a Triangle 8 -
19 A Needle in the Haystack 8 -
20 Is it a palindrome? 8 -
21 Century From Year 8 -
22 Multiple of index 8 -
23 Character Frequency 8 -
24 Keep Hydrated! 8 -
25 String Repeat 8 -
26 Find the first non-consecutive number 8 -
27 Complementary DNA 7 -
28 List Filtering 7 -
29 Coding 3min: Father and Son 7 -
30 Find Screen Size 7 -
31 Alternate capitalization 7 -
32 Bouncing Ball 7 -
33 Vowel Count 7 -
34 Square Every Digit 7 -
35 Reversed Words 7 -
36 Count the digit 7 -
37 Highest and Lowest 7 -
38 Shortest Word 7 -
39 Even numbers in an array 7 -
40 From The Largest 7 -
41 Build a square 7 -
42 Exes and Ohs 7 -
43 Ordered Count of Characters 7 -
44 Areas of an arrow 7 -
45 Interview Question(easy) 7 -
46 Mumbling 7 -
47 Sort Numbers 7 -
48 Bit Counting 6 -
49 Multiples of 3 or 5 6 -
50 Valid Phone Number 6 -
51 Create Phone Number 6 -
52 Triple trouble 6 -
53 Array.diff 6 -
54 Write Number in Expanded Form 6 -
55 Sum of Digits/ Digital Root 6 -
56 Playing with digits 6 -
57 The range() function 6 -
58 Greatest Position Distance Between Matching Array Values 6 -
59 Validate my Password 6 -
60 Bouncing Balls 6 -
61 Does my number look big in this? 6 -
62 IQ Test 6 -
63 Replace With Alphabet Position 6 -
64 Chess Fun#1: Chess Board Cell Color 6 -
65 Find The Parity Outlier 6 -
66 Unique In Order 6 -
67 Persistent Bugger 6 -
68 Split Strings 6 -
69 Sort Arrays (Ignoring Case) 6 -
70 Decipher this! 6 -
71 Encrypt this! 6 -
72 Are we alternate? 6 -
73 Group Anagrams 6 -
74 Take a Number And Sum Its Digits Raised To The Consecutive Powers And ….¡Eureka!! 6 -
75 Duplicate Encoder 6 -
76 Counting Duplicates 6 -
77 Two Sum 6 -
78 Multiplication table 6 -
79 Most Frequent Weekdays 6 -
80 Custom Christmas Tree 6 -
81 Sums of Parts 6 -
82 New Cashier Does Not Know About Space or Shift 6 -
83 The Vowel Code 6 -
84 Simple frequency sort 6 -
85 Backspaces in string 6 -
86 uniq (UNIX style) 6 -
87 Find the odd int 6 -
88 Character with longest consecutive repetition 6 -
89 String array duplicates 6 -
90 Human Readable Time 5 -
91 Math Issues 5 -
92 RGB To Hex Conversion 5 -
93 The Hashtag Generator 5 -
94 Simple Pig Latin 5 -
95 Moving Zeros To The End 5 -
96 Count IP Addresses 5 -
97 int32 to IPv4 5 -
98 Blackjack Scorer 5 -
99 Filling an array (part 1) 8 -
100 Filling an array (part 2) 6 -
101 Quick (n choose k) calculator 6 2020.09
102 Reversing a Process 6 2020.09
103 Decode the Morse code 6 2020.10
104 Matrix Addition 6 2020.10
105 Sum Consecutives 6 2020.10
106 Almost Even 6 2020.10
107 Sort the Odd 6 2020.10
108 Sort odd and even numbers in different order 6 2020.10
109 Name to Matrix 6 2020.10
110 Simple Consecutive Pairs 7 2020.10
111 Sequence Classifier 6 2020.10
112 Split and then add both sides of an array together 6 2020.10
113 Difference of 2 6 2020.10
114 Even Odd Pattern #1 6 2020.10
115 Find the Unique Number 6 2020.10
116 Tic-Tac-Toe 5 2020.10
117 Simple Number Sequence 5 2020.10
117 Exercise in Summing 6 2020.10
118 Is Integer Array? 6 2020.10
119 Whole of Names 5 2020.10
120 Translate to 1337 5 2020.10
121 Rotate an Array Matrix 5 2020.10
122 What Will be the Odd One Out? 6 2020.10
123 Sum Two Arrays 6 2020.10
124 Disemvowel Trolls 7 2020.10
125 Are They the “same”? 6 2020.10
126 Find the Smallest Integer in the Array 8 2020.10
127 Find the Missing Letter 6 2020.10
128 Friend or Foe? 7 2020.10
129 Fold an Array 6 2020.10
130 Count Odd Numbers below n 8 2020.10
131 Missing and Duplicate Number 5 2020.10
132 Simple Moon Rating 7 2020.10
133 Give Me a Diamond 6 2020.10
134 Whoe Likes It? 6 2020.10
135 Inside Out Strings 6 2020.10
136 IndexOf Array in Array 6 2020.10
137 Mexican Wave 6 2020.10
138 Build Tower 6 2020.10
139 Break camelCase 6 2020.10
140 Invert Values 8 2020.10
141 Grocer Grouping 6 2020.10
142 Making Change 6 2020.10
143 Find the Mine! 6 2020.10
144 Get All Array Elements Except Those With Specified Indexes 6 2020.10
145 Ziiiiip! 6 2020.10
146 Ticker 6 2020.10
147 Dashatize It 6 2020.10
148 Elimination Tournament 6 2020.10
149 Climbers Rankings 6 2020.10
150 Corner Circle 6 2020.10
151 Pick Peaks 5 2020.11
152 Find the Unique Number 6 2020.11
153 Remove the Parentheses 6 2020.11
154 Greed is Good 5 2020.11
155 Delete Occurrences of an Element If It Occurs More Than n Times 6 2020.11
156 Array Combinations 6 2020.11
157 Simple String Expansion 5 2020.11
158 Thinking & Testing: A*B? 6 2020.11
159 Where My Anagrams At? 5 2020.12
160 First Non-Repeating Character 5 2021.01

(2) Programmers

# Title Level Note
1 완주하지 못한 선수 1 -
2 모의고사 1 -
3 K번째수 1 -
4 가운데 글자 가져오기 1 -
5 같은 숫자는 싫어 1 -
6 나누어 떨어지는 숫자 배열 1 -
7 두 정수 사이의 합 1 -
8 문자열 내 p와 y의 개수 1 -
9 문자열 내림차순으로 배치하기 1 -
10 문자열 다루기 기본 1 -
11 서울에서 김서방 찾기 1 -
12 수박수박수박수박수박수? 1 -
13 문자열을 정수로 바꾸기 1 -
14 약수의 합 1 -
15 자릿수 더하기 1 -
16 정수 제곱근 판별 1 -
17 짝수와 홀수 1 -
18 콜라츠 추측 1 -
19 평균 구하기 1 -
20 핸드폰 번호 가리기 1 -
21 x만큼 간격이 있는 n개의 숫자 1 -
22 스킬트리 2 -
23 다리를 지나는 트럭 2 -
24 기능개발 2 -
25 가장 큰 수 2 -
26 H-Index 2 -
27 위장 2 -
28 카펫 2 -
29 올바른 괄호 2 -
30 다음 큰 숫자 2 -
31 최댓값과 최솟값 2 -
32 베스트 앨범 3 -
33 제일 작은 수 제거하기 1 -
34 행렬의 덧셈 1 -
35 이상한 문자 만들기 1 -
36 정수 내림차순으로 배치하기 1 -
37 최솟값 만들기 2 -
38 직사각형 별찍기 1 -
39 두 개 뽑아서 더하기 1 -
40 JadenCase 문자열 만들기 2 -
41 문자열 내 마음대로 정렬하기 1 -
42 하샤드 수 1 -
43 영어 끝말잇기 2 -
44 시저 암호 1 -
45 자연수 뒤집어 배열로 만들기 1 -
46 예산 1 -
47 크레인 인형뽑기 게임 1 -
48 체육복 1 -
49 2016 1 -
50 3진법 뒤집 1 -
51 문자열 내 p와 y의 개수 1 -
52 최대공약수와 최소공배수 1 -
53 소수 찾기 1 -
54 구명 보트 2 -
55 예상 대진표 2 -
56 이진 변환 반복하기 2 -
57 행렬의 곱셈 2 -

(3) HackerRank

Interview Preparation Kit
# Title Level Date
1 2D Array -DS Easy 2020.11
2 Left Rotation Easy 2020.11
3 New Year Chaos Medium 2020.11
4 Two Strings Easy 2020.11
5 Hash Tables: Ransom Note Easy 2020.11
6 Sorting: Bubble Sort Easy 2020.11
7 Mark and Toys Easy 2020.11
8 Alternating Characters Easy 2020.11
9 Luck Balance Easy 2020.11
10 Minimum Absolute Difference in an Array Easy 2020.11
11 Strings: Making Anagrams Easy 2020.11

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