Setup Docker for LAMP!

1 minute read

Author: Doe Hoon LEE

This shows the steps to setup LAMP environment with Docker

What is LAMP?

LAMP stands for Linux Apache MySQL PHP

You can simply git clone or try typing in the following steps!

1. Project Structure

Project Structure

  1. Create directories php and www

  2. Create a Docker file Dockerfile in php directory

  3. Create a file docker-compose.yml in the root directory

  4. Create index.php in www directory

  5. Create .env in root directory [this can be skipped if you do not want to use environment variables]

2. In Dockerfile inside php directory, we will write

PHP Dockerfile

3. index.php within the www directory looks like this


4. Now, the most interesting one: docker-compose.yml

Docker Compose

You can use different names for DATABASE, user, password, or even ports if you want to. Also, again, you do not have to use environment variables like in the picture.

(See step 9 for environment variables)

5. We are now all set! Let’s test it out!

Compose Build

type in docker-compose up --build and test if it works!

6. Check if all containers are running smoothly!

type in docker ps


7. Go to localhost


You should see Connected to MySQL successfully!

8. Test if phpmyadmin is working

Go to localhost:8080


9. In case you want to use environment variables


10. To stop the service,

type in docker-compose stop

Docker Compose Stop

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