What Happens After You Type in URL
Author: Doe Hoon LEE
Have you wondered what happens after you type in a URL in a browser?
This is one of the mostly asked question in an interview too!
[STEP] 1. We type in a URL !
* DNS (Domain Name System) converts domain name into IP addresses so that computers can understand.
* If addresses were all in numbers (IP addresses), we wouldn't be able to recognize or remember them well.
and this is what #2 is for
[STEP] 2. Browser looks for IP address through DNS
Once the IP address is confirmed, we start communication now!
To access the web server, we need IP and port(80)
[STEP] 3. HTTP request to the server
* The request is made with the following methods so that we know what it is for
* *difference between PATCH and PUT
* PATCH is used when specific/some part is modified only
* PUT is used when the whole part needs to be updated
[STEP] 4. HTTP response
* HTTP response contains
* status line
* 1xx - Informational
* 2xx - Success
* 3xx - Redirection
* 4xx - Client Error
* 5xx - Server Error
* HTTP headers
* message body
[STEP] 5. Browsers begins building DOM.
* HTML parsing
* when it reaches link/script tag, it stops HTML parsing and starts CSS parsing or images or reads JS code
* then when it is done, it goes back to HTML parsing
* in DOM, every entity is considered as node
* head, body, title, h1, etc. and even attributes and properties are nodes.
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