What is RESTful API?

less than 1 minute read

Author: Doe Hoon LEE

Soon after learning how to build a website with HTML, CSS, and JS, we start hearing REST API

So what really is it?

Let’s find out!

REST stands for “Representational State Transfer”. It talks about a methodology and how all resources like images, vidoes, DB, etc. are assigned with unique URI.

Different web pages might have different page structures with different urls.

REST is all about the rules telling us how they are supposed to be structured.

REST API means to follow the rules that REST states.


  • URL

    all resources have unique IDs

  • HTTP methods

    clients use methods for using resources: GET, POST, DELETE, PUT, PATCH.

  • Formats

    Response sent back to the client from the server: JSON, XML, RSS.

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