Read/Get Media File Info On Mac Terminal (1)

less than 1 minute read

Author: Doe Hoon LEE

Read/Get Media File Info On Mac Terminal?!

Let’s first get the tool we need!

brew install media-info
How do we use this?
mediainfo <path-to-the-file>

you would then get something like this

mediainfo output

It shows things like

  • file name

  • format

  • duration

  • created date

  • etc..

What if I would like to get info of all media files in a directory?
for file in /Users/userName/Directory/*; do mediainfo $file; done
Wait a second! I see too many unnecessary extra information.
Can I see what I need only? SURE you can!
for file in /Users/userName/Directory/*; do mediainfo $file | grep 'Duration' | head -n 1; done
Next time, we will find out how we can get the total duration within a folder!

See you again!




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