Linux Directories

less than 1 minute read

Author: Doe Hoon LEE

Important directories in Linux!

Directory What is it ?
/ - Root directory
- Everything on the system is located under root directory
/boot - Contains everything required for boot process
- Boot loader is here
/dev - This is where device files are located
/etc - Contains system configuration files
/home - Home folder of each user’s
- This is where each user starts after loggin in
/lib - Contains shared library images and kernerl modules
/lost+found - Contains information on damaged files
/mnt - Used for temporary file system mounting
/media - For mounting file systems on removable media (ex. CD-ROM, zip drive)
/proc - Virtual file system
- Contains information on process and system
/sbin - System administartion binaries
- Contains binaries that are used by root user

Some more~!

Directory Explanation
/etc/group Contains information on groups
/etc/passwd - Contains information required when logging in
- Contains list/info of system accounts (user ID, group ID, home directory, shells)
/etc/shadow 2nd field of /etc/passwd is stored here encrypted




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