What is -rw-rw-r– ?!

1 minute read

Author: Doe Hoon LEE

Linux Permission and Ownership

When you type ls -l on your terminal, you are going to see something like this

File and Directory Information

  • What is ls ?

  • ls is short for ‘list’

  • simple ls shows visible contents of the current directory

  • option -l will show permissions

  • option -al will show contents including hidden files

Let’s dig more into it then?

# Field What is this ?
1 -rw-rw-r– - indicates file permission
- - indicates regular file
2 1 number of hard link(s)
3 ec2-user User ownership
4 ec2-user Group ownership
5 0 file size
6 Feb 23 08:05 Last modified date
7 tutorial.text name of file/directory


  • The very first field of Permission indicates type of the content
Symbol Type
- regular file
d directory
b block device
c character device
l symlink
p pipe
s socket
  • From second to last indicate categories and accesses

  • There are two ways to represent permission: symbolic and numeric

  • r(read) : read the contents of the file

  • w(write) : write or modify the file/directory

  • x(execute) : execute or view contents

  Owner     Group     Others    
Symbolic mode r w x r w x r - -
Numeric mode 4 2 1 4 2 1 4 0 0
  • Each numerics are added to see each category’s accessibility (ex. 664 or 777)

  • Let’s go back to the terminal and check tutorial.txt !

File and Directory Information

-rw-rw-r-- 1 ec2-user ec2-user 0 Feb 23 08:05 tutorial.txt

  • Can you now tell what this means?

  • -rw-rw-r--

This means the owner has the ability to ‘read’ and ‘write’, but other(s) can only read

This can be rewritten in numeric mode

  Owner     Group     Others    
Symbolic mode r w - r w - r - -
Numeric mode 4 2 0 4 2 0 4 0 0
Sum   6     6     6  
  • 1

There is one hard link attached to it

  • The first ec2-user is owner name

  • The second ec2-user is owner group

  • 0

File size is zero

  • Feb 23 08:05

This file was last modified on Feb 23rd at 08:05

  • tutorial.txt

Name of this file is tutorial.txt




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