Functional Programming

1 minute read

Author: Doe Hoon LEE

한글버전 <- 클릭!

English Ver.

What is it about?

1. Pure Functions
  • Functions should not have side effects

  • Do not use globally defined variables to compute its output

  • Functions should compute output depending on its input (=> with the same input, it always returns the same output)


const name = "Green Apple"
const num = 19;
console.log(`${name} is ${name} years old`); // => "Green Apple is 19 years old"


function background(name, age) {
    console.log(`${name} is ${name} years old`);

background("Green Apple",19); // => "Green Apple is 19 years old"
2. Higher Order Functions
  • Higher-Order function takes a function as an argument or returns a function or both
3. Avoiding Side-Effects
  • Do NOT modify global variables

  • Do NOT write/log to screen/console

  • Do NOT write to network

  • Do NOT triger any external process

4. Avoiding Mutability
  • Data should not be modified after it is created
5. Avoiding Iteration (like for loop)
  • Use higher order functions like map(), reduce(), filter(), forEach() instead of for loop
methods Description
map() Creates a new array with elements resulted from calling a provided function
reduce() Takes an array and reduces to a single value
filter() Creates a new array with elements that passes the given condition
forEach() Calls a function for each element visited

What is so good about functional programming?

  • Enhanced readability

  • Easier to test

  • More predictable

  • Better reusability

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